Told it was diseased?? Don't look it to me...........
Next Chapter,, trying to find work.. Oh yes easy I hear you all saying.....MY FOLLOW UP.............This all depends on your age.. Assuming you are of average or above intelligence, willing to put your hand to anything and is quite capable and willing to learn. One would think that getting a job was straight forward, especially if you listen to all the bullshit that comes out of our Tweedle Dee and Dum Government. After all they are creating a lot of the unemployment by making all these cuts and in turn the government offices/departments and council offices around the country are reducing their workforce to meet the monetary cuts that has been inflicted on them. I go to sign on every couple of weeks and I am constantly told 'companies are taking on the older persons' although they cannot tell me which ones or show any proof. All I hear is more being put out onto the unemployment ranks.. Join the club..
I bet that there are many others out there feeling the same way, we want to work, we want a job, but the system and the companies are saying other wise. I have records, mostly emails showing how many I have applied for and I am not limiting myself to one field. Again how many others are in the same position, and feeling very low and thinking they have so much to offer but are being held back.
So lets all get together and start shouting, many voices make louder noises than one. If Tweedle Dee and Dum run the country lets start to run Tweedle Dee and Dum..after all Mickey Mouse is in charge here....
Not having money makes things difficult, not having transport makes getting about difficult,easy to say I know but 'lets not let the bastards grind us down...
Hope you all get the gist of being cynical, but it goes deeper doesn't it !!!!!!!!!!
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